Home > Channel Drainage > Bielbet Slot-Drain Drainage Channel
Hi-Slot Channel Drainage x 1m£11.33 ex. VAT£13.60 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Low Profile Hi-Slot Channel Drainage x 1m£11.60 ex. VAT£13.92 inc. VAT
Bottom Outlet Adaptor to 110mm£3.50 ex. VAT£4.20 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Debris/Odour Trap£6.95 ex. VAT£8.34 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Drainage Channel End Cap£2.50 ex. VAT£3.00 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Inline Outlet to 110mm Pipe£2.80 ex. VAT£3.36 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Low Profile Slot Drain Sump Unit£26.50 ex. VAT£31.80 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Low Profile Slot-Drain Channel Drainage x 1m£11.35 ex. VAT£13.62 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Slot Drain Sump Unit£26.50 ex. VAT£31.80 inc. VATAdd to Basket
Slot-Drain Channel Drainage x 1m£11.05 ex. VAT£13.26 inc. VATAdd to Basket